Your Kingdom Come – Miracles in Ukraine

Oct 4, 2021 | Ukraine | 6 comments

Your Kingdom Come – Miracles in Ukraine

Edik – Ukraine

We asked Edik to share something about what is happening in Ukraine – miraculous healings, a fresh boldness to share Jesus and growth in the church are all a part of the story of what is happening among our brothers and sisters in Ukraine right now. In a country that continues to experience so much suffering and hardship, it is wonderful to hear such good news!

Edik writes:

One young man visited our church one Sunday in September. He had a bad back after an injury at a construction site where he worked. A concrete slab fell on him and severe pain had tormented him for almost a month. During prayer, God touched him and he was miraculously healed. All pains were gone and he was very happy and accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and has not missed a single church service since this moment!

This event has had a very positive impact on the whole church as people were very encouraged and began to accept healings for themselves. One elderly sister was relieved of pain in the pancreas that had plagued her for a long time. Also, these events have inspired the people of the church to actively testify and tell others about God and as a result, another newly married couple have come to the church.

God’s supernatural action invariably brings with it the revival in the church that we yearn for.


  1. Rodney Sexton

    Praise God! Thank you Edik for sharing this. It encourages us to seek and expect miracles here in the UK – the same Jesus, the same Kingdom.

  2. Peter Wagstaff

    That’s amazing Edik. May your churches & others receive more manifestation of his healing & deliverance & boldness to share what God is doing

  3. Relational Mission

    So incredibly encouraging to hear of what God is doing amongst our brothers and sisters in Ukraine!

  4. Christopher Hedges

    Great news Edik God bless the Church in Ukraine and we pray you continue to receive Gods blessings and healings as you partner with God in building the kingdom

  5. Roy Lincoln

    We are praying for you at the very difficult time. Christ Community Church Attenborough
    Have you any news so we can share with the Church. Blessings Roy

    • Kevin Reily

      Hi Roy – thanks for your prayers and your comment. If you email me your mob number then I would be happy to add you to our whattsap group where our friend Edik sends occasional updates for info and prayer.


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