Zagreb to Samobor, Croatia

Mar 6, 2024 | Croatia | 0 comments

Zagreb to Samobor, Croatia

Faith Barton – Croatia

Dear Friends, we’ve been living in the capital Zagreb for about twenty months, but we are now looking to move to a small town to the west of the city called Samobor, where the church group meets, and where most of the church community lives.

The church has about 30 people and we now have our own small building which is rented, very visible and right in the centre of town. There is a large meeting space, an entry point with a kitchenette and bathrooms. The church is made up of all ages and backgrounds and is Croatian speaking with translation of sermons. It would be good to have the “Live Voice” app being used as we’ve seen this used very successfully in a Zagreb church. Us and another couple are the only native English speakers in this church. 

The space is used midweek for prayer meetings and Bible studies that we would like to join in with, once we have moved a bit closer. There is also scope to open up the building and start something like a food bank/soup kitchen, once per week and this is something Ian would like to serve – see prayer points below.

Our new building – a great space!

Ian is a key member of the volunteer group at the “public kitchen” in Zagreb, having put in so many months of regular, committed service. It is an extremely popular and well known food bank/soup kitchen, which even appears regularly on the local news! They serve around 350-400 people a day with a prepared hot meal in a box and give away all types of fresh fruit and vegetables. Before the pandemic, it was a sit down service and the team are thinking about restarting this. Ian does this work daily from 11.30 – 13.30.

For us, there will be a cost to this move into Samobor because it will mean a 45 minute drive to work for me, instead of the current ten minute drive I have now. And also, we’ll have to start again with regard to getting to know neighbours and other dog walkers etc. But we know that it will be good to be living closer to the new Sambor community as we want to develop friendships there, be a part of the community and serve and support the community and its vision in different ways.

Ian and Mario, another full-time volunteer.

Some of the kitchen guests.

Finally, Tom and Sandra Sibley (originally from the USA) have been living in the Samobor area for 28 years and have recently started a new group called International Christian Fellowship. They meet twice a month, using their home and the new church building space. They have also been part of a church in Zagreb and are involved in much ministry, but have recently decided to be in partnership with the Samobor local church too and so have moved their ministry and work there and they have asked us to help with this fellowship.

Thank you for your prayers and your support.

Please support us in prayer:

  • in finding an apartment in the Samobor area that is on budget;
  • in being able to serve in the church more regularly;
  • for Ian to be able to partner with a Samobor food bank/soup kitchen, or or start his own.
  • for making church friends in the Sambor area;
  • for our two year residents permits to come through;
  • for finance to cover UK outgoings;


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