Kevin Reilly (on behalf of Edik)
As I write, the difficulty in purchasing everyday items in Ukraine continues to worsen. Food and fuel shortages – compounded by wartime demands being pressed upon an already beleaguered economy – are worsening, and this situation will continue as the war drags on. We are standing with brothers and sisters every morning in prayer, but we must also respond with practical support as well.
Whatsapp message from Edik 01/03/2022: Hi Kevin. The situation is difficult. The country went into martial law. The economy is mobilised for war. Businesses don’t work. There is no job, and of course there is no income. Feeding points are organised in places, but this is not universal and not for everyone. Masses of refugees are moving from east to west to safer places where there are no bombings. Very often believers move and settle in small groups. Some remained in the occupied or war zone. They can purchase some goods for cashless payments in stores, and therefore I make transfers to them. First of all, people buy food, medicines, bed linen, essentials, and everything according to the needs of the current moment.
The Lighthouse Community is raising money to:
- support Edik’s ministry among the three churches that he serves in Ukraine;
- enable Edik to continue his ministry to the thousands of refugees who are heading west;
- provide finance, food and fuel to brothers and sisters in Ukraine (location details withheld for security)
All money raised will be administered by the Lighthouse Community to support Edik’s ministry in Ukraine.
How to Give
1. Reference your gift SUPPORT UKRAINE and give directly into the Lighthouse Community, via the accounts below:
Account holder: Fundacja Light House Community
Bank: ING BANK Gdansk
Bank accounts
PLN account: PL 40 1050 1764 1000 0090 3184 2868
EUR account: PL 18 1050 1764 1000 0090 3184 2876
GBP account: PL 71 1050 1764 1000 0090 3184 2892
2. UK taxpayers can gift-aid their support by visiting our page for Stewardship Services.